Virtual Baby Shower | Happy Hour
It’s a hard year for people to get together which makes it hard to celebrate big moments in our life. Check out this virtual happy hour kit you can use to help you celebrate your new little one. Send these to your guests for them to print out or drop off/mail boxes to friends and family you want to join you to celebrate!
Baby Scattergories
Baby Scattergories is played just like regular Scattergories. On the call, you will pick a letter for your guests. Your guests will have 1 minute (or whatever time you see fit) to come up with an answer for each side prompt, starting with the letter you have selected for them!
Due Date Game
Due dates are not 100% right. Sometimes the baby can come a little early or a little late. Let your guests know when you are expecting, and let each person select when they think the baby will arrive! The closest guess without going over is the winner! Consider mailing a fun prize to the winner once the baby has arrived.
He or She + It’s a boy, it’s a girl signs
This is a great game for people who are keeping the sex of the baby under wraps. Go through all the old wives' tales with your guests and let them know how the pregnancy is going. Based on your answers, each guest can guess if "it’s a boy" or if "it's a girl"!
These extras can be used if you decide to drop off or mail a box to friends and family.
Cheers Tag
Add the cheers tag to mini bottles of wine or beers for guests to enjoy during the happy hour.
Advice Card Prompt
Check out our Advice and Best Wishes Cards to include for friends to fill out and return to you.
Baby Bash Sign
Add this sign to the top or inside of your boxes. Let guests know to save the goodies for the virtual call!
Thank you tag
We have some awesome Thank You Tags in our shop to pair with our virtual happy hour boxes. Attach them to cookies or treats to thank guests for joining you to help celebrate your new baby!